Q: I heard that a temporary 2-stage assessment process is now in place for international students. What does that mean?
A: This 2-stage assessment process will apply to study permit applications that are submitted online by September 15, 2020 and for programs that start, or have started, in spring, summer or fall 2020. This assessment does not apply to in-Canada study permit extension applications.
Please note upon passing the first-stage (eligibility), most study permit applicants will eventually get final approval on their application. Nonetheless, it doesn’t guarantee the final approval as there may be some reasons that a study permit should not be issued.
Q; In the first stage, if I do not meet the eligibility requirements, will applicants receive a refusal letter?
A: Yes, if an application does not meet first-stage eligibility requirements, applicants will receive a decision from IRCC.
Q: I have now received the stage-1 letter and want to change school/major or defer my studies to a later date, how do I proceed?
A: You need to inform IRCC of any changes made since you submitted your initial application. Send your updated letter of acceptance through the Webform and/or any other relevant documents to explain the changes you made for your studies.
Q: When will the study permits be issued? I can’t enter Canada based on current travel restrictions and I can’t do my studies online. Is deferring my studies my only option?
A: It is not possible at the moment to confirm when the study permit will be issued. If you received your stage-1 letter, but you cannot start your courses online, please contact your school to discuss the options available to you.
Q: Can I take online courses before receiving the stage-1 letter?
A: If you want the time spent studying for a Canadian institution to count toward your post-graduate work permit (PGWP), ensure that you submit your application before starting your studies and that you eventually obtain the stage-1 letter.
Q: Can I travel to Canada if I pass the first stage of the new 2-stage assessment process for study permit application?
A: No, the new 2-stage assessment process is to allow students to start a program that will be offered online. It gives more certainty for students to attend these classes from their home country while travel restrictions remain in place. Students will only be able to travel to Canada once they have received a final approval for their application AND once the travel restrictions are modified to allow them to travel to Canada.
Q: If students want to apply through SDS but cannot make tuition payment before registration is open, what is your advice?
A: Proof of full payment of tuition for the first year of study is required by the SDS program. Applicants who do not have the required documents for SDS upon submitting their application should apply through the regular student stream.
Q: The university in Canada has waived my IELTS. I meet all the other requirements for SDS. Can I apply under SDS? In addition, some schools accept Duolingo. Would SDS consider other language exams at this time? i.e. Duolingo, IELTS Indicator, etc.
A: No changes have been made to the Student Direct Stream (SDS) language requirements. The only accepted tests are IELTS in English or TEF in French. Test scores from Duolingo and IELTS Indicator will not be accepted for study permit application purposes. You cannot apply through SDS without those test results. Applicants who do not have the required documents for SDS upon submitting their application should apply through the regular student stream.
Q: I did the medical exam when I submitted the application, but later I received a medical examination request. Do I need to do the medical exam again?
A: If you already submitted your medical exam, you do not need to complete it again. You can always contact beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca and include details about your application to receive a confirmation about your specific case.
Q: Only two types of study permit programs can be submitted online: SDS and regular study permit program. What should I do if I want to apply for the Post-secondary with GIC program? Do I wait for the visa applications centres to reopen for submission of paper applications?
问:只有两种类别的学习许可项目可以通过在线申请:SDS和普通学习许可项目。如果我想要申请高等教育-GIC项目,我需要怎么做呢? 我是要等签证申请中心重新开放纸质申请吗?
A: Since we do not know when submission of paper applications will be available, we recommend to apply under the SDS or regular stream. You can submit your GIC and it will be taken into consideration in the assessment of your application.
Q: For regular study permit program, can I use GIC to replace "bank statements for the past four months"?
A: No. GIC will be taken into consideration in the assessment of your application but you still need to submit the other proof of funds required under regular study permit stream.
Q: Can a doctoral student jointly sponsored by the China Scholarship Council use the certificate of funding from the China Scholarship Council as a proof of funds?
A: Yes, please submit any proof of funds that will be used for your studies in Canada.
Q: A student was approved for a study permit on or before March 18, 2020. If he/she would like to travel to Canada, is he/she travelling for a non-discretionary purpose?
A: If your study permit application was approved on or before March 18, 2020, you will need to present proof at the airport and to the border services officer that demonstrates that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose. This may include, but is not limited to, proof that you need to be in Canada for your program (for laboratories, workshops) or pursuing your studies online is not an option at your school or not possible from your home country (due to internet restrictions or bandwidth limitation), etc.
答:如果你的学习许可申请在2020年3月18 日或之前被审核通过,你需要在机场向边境官员出示证明以表示你的出行是出于非随意的目的。这些证明包括但不限于:证明你需要身在加拿大参加项目(如实验室,工作坊)或者你无法在你的学校在线参加学习项目或者无法从你本国参加(由于网络限制或带宽限制)等等。
Q: My study permit application was approved on or before March 18, 2020, but I am not able to receive the study permit until I get to the port of entry. I do have a valid visa. Can I travel to Canada?
A: If you were approved for a study permit on or before March 18, 2020, you are exempt from the travel restrictions. However, you will still have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and entering Canada that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose (e.g. you need to be in Canada for your program to have access to laboratories or pursuing your studies online is not an option).
Q: I am outside Canada with a soon-to-be-expired study permit. Am I allowed to go back to Canada, and if so, can I renew my study permit after arrival in Canada?
A: If you are an international student who has a valid study permit and a valid visa, you are exempt from the travel restrictions. However, you will still have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and when entering Canada that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose. Once in Canada, students must apply online to extend their study permit before it expires.
Q: My study permit extension was approved ON or BEFORE March 18, 2020 but my entry visa was approved AFTER March 18, 2020. Can I enter Canada under the travel exemptions?
A: As long as you have a valid study permit and a valid visa, you are exempt from the travel restrictions, even if your visa was issued after March 18. However, you will still have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and entering Canada that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose.
Q: My study permit extension was approved AFTER March 18, 2020. Can I enter Canada under the travel exemptions?
A: As long as your status has been maintained, and you have a valid study permit and a valid visa, you are exempt from the travel restrictions. However, you will still have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and entering Canada that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose.
Q: My study permit is expired and I have applied for an extension within Canada. Then, I left Canada. Am I allowed to go back to Canada to pursue my studies?
问:我的学习许可过期了,我在加拿大境内已经提交了延期申请。然后我离开加拿大回国了, 我会被允许返回加拿大继续学习吗?
A: No you may not. If a student has applied for a study permit extension and then left Canada, they may not resume study in Canada until their application for extension has been approved. Furthermore, a valid visa and a valid study permit will be required for students to return to Canada to study under the travel restrictions.
Q: My study permit is expired and I am currently outside Canada. Can I extend my study permit from abroad?
问:我的学习许可过期了,但我本人不在加拿大, 我可以在海外申请延期学习许可吗?
A: No, if your study permit expired while abroad, you are not able to extend your study permit. Please remember that students outside Canada with an expired study permit are not exempt from the travel restrictions. They can apply online for a new study permit that would allow them to pursue their studies online outside Canada until the travel restrictions are modified. When you apply, you should submit as many of the documents needed for a complete application as possible including a letter of explanation for any documents that are missing due to COVID-19.
Q: Can I apply for PGWP if I need to put my study on hold to meet the requirements of 50% in-class study in Canada?
A: If you graduated or will graduate from a DLI that offers PGWP-eligible programs, you are still eligible for a PGWP if you had to put your studies on hold or study part-time because of COVID-19. That being said, if your program is between 8 and 12 months in length, and you started your studies between May and September 2020, you can complete 100% of your program online from abroad and still be eligible for a PGWP.
Q: I have submitted my PGWP application and I am exempt from biometrics as I am in Canada. I plan to go back to China in September. Do I need to provide biometrics if I do not get any result until then?
A: You need to inform IRCC through the Webform if your country of residence changes. If you move to China, then yes, you will have to submit your biometrics since the visa application centers are open and accept biometrics submission.
Q: Will the period of time spent on online courses without the stage-1 letter count toward the length of my PGWP?
A: As long as you submitted your application BEFORE starting your studies and you eventually get the stage-1 letter, yes, the time spent studying while waiting for stage-1 letter will count toward the length of the PGWP.
Q: How is defined the 50% of the courses completed in Canada to be eligible for a PGWP? Does it mean 50% of program length or 50% of the total amount of courses? Or 50% of the total credits?
A: The calculation is based on the number of courses completed abroad vs number of courses completed in Canada. In a situation where part of a course is completed in Canada and the other part overseas, IRCC will consider that the course was completed in Canada
Q: Is it true that for international students in Canada, there is no 50% limit for online class in Canada to be eligible for PGWP?
A: Yes, students who were already studying in Canada and whose classes were moved online due to the travel and health restrictions and who have completed more than 50% of their program of study online remain eligible for the PGWP program. For students outside Canada, they must complete at least 50% of their program in Canada once the travel restrictions are modified.
Q: I am in Canada and I submitted the application for the post-graduate work permit in March, but have not received the decision yet. What should I do?
A: You can work full-time in Canada until we make a decision on your work permit application if you had a valid study permit when you submitted your application, completed your study program, and were
eligible to work off campus without a work permit while studying. IRCC continues to process applications submitted online, to the extent possible, but due to the impacts of COVID-19, we cannot provide accurate processing times.
Q: Parents are accompanying their children who are studying in Canada and have stayed for more than 6 months. They submitted an extension application online 1 month before their status expired but have not received any result yet. Will they be considered to be staying in Canada illegally?
A: No. If you applied before the six months passed, you can stay in Canada under your TRV conditions while waiting for a decision.
答:不会。如果您在过期6个月之前提出申请, 则可以在持有TRV的情况下留在加拿大等待结果。
Q: Do you have any standard forms for the 14-day quarantine plan, which shows all the content that the Canadian border officer needs.
A: You must have a quarantine plan that shows how you will quarantine for 14 days when you arrive in Canada including where you will stay, how you will get to your destination, get your groceries access essential services and medical care. There is no precise form for you to fill.
Q: How can I withdraw my application? Will it be counted as a refusal?
A: You can withdraw your application by submitting your request through the webform. It will not be assessed as a refusal.
Q: I am in Canada and I applied for a study permit extension a long time ago, but I have not received a decision yet. Should I submit a new application and withdraw the previous application?
A: Do not submit a new application. If you applied before your study permit expired, you can stay and study in Canada under the same conditions as your current study permit until IRCC makes a decision.
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