移民排期 F1一签通过
VO终于微笑点了下头 ,似乎很满意我的吹水 。他看了下表格,然后再次皱眉问:“You have applied the immigrant visa before?”
学生背景: 伍同学 广东工业大学在读 转学到美国社区大学
今天6点多起来,顶着黑眼圈去刷牙洗脸刮胡子 ,哎,昨晚辗转反侧,难以入眠啊~~一直在想,会是哪个VO呢,会问些啥呢。。。。。。一直到了总领事馆,我还在想,我今天帅不帅呢 ,笑容甜不甜呢 。。。。。。
恩,终于可以排队了,赶紧观察下几个VO先。这个黑黑的,象是印度的 ,恩?说的什么东西,听不清啊 ,靠,我说的比你还准,你滚蛋去吧;这个也黑黑的 ,象是巴基斯坦的,哦,发音挺不错的嘛,咦?怎么问了那么多问题 ?都问了15分钟了,你审犯呢你?没看见你把人家MM都问得满头大汗啦?恩恩,还有这个美女VO ,还不错嘛,挺规矩的,你看,边问边笑呢,仔细听听:“Haha, ah, ah,unfortunately, today I can’t give you the visa, your son is an adult, why must you go to visit him? Why not told him come back here?” 我擦,真是翻脸比翻书还快,把人家老大娘唬得一愣一愣的 。唉,个个都那么变态,看来还是那边那个白人帅哥最好了,恩,就你了 。
轮到我啦~问个好先“Good morning, sir, this is my document.” 恩,赶紧把资料排出来,资金证明啦~学校成绩啦~录取通知啦~~放满了窗口。哼哼,哥我可是有备而来的!
帅哥VO冷淡地回了句:“Good morning. ”接过我的表格,问“You were rejected last time?”
我回答:“Yes, just last month. And today I’m prepared.”
VO皱眉,问:“Why do you choose this college?”
我:“Because it’s the biggest and best college in Washington State……”
VO眯起眼睛,微微摇头,脸带不屑 。我擦,虽然不是什么名校,但你也不要这样小看人啊。
我赶紧话锋一转:“And they provide a direct transfer to University of Washington. The computer science of University of Washington is among top 10 in the US. And my major is IT, and this is what I want to study for.”
VO翻了翻表格,接着问:“When will you finish your study here in the university?”
我:“3 years later, I’m just a freshman now.”
VO:“Why not continue your study here?”
我吹水 :“Well, after one year’s study, I don’t feel like I’m benefiting from my University, the educations only focus on the exams. The teachers only focus on the theory, and neglect the practical skills. I don’t think this style fits me.”
VO终于微笑点了下头 ,似乎很满意我的吹水 。他看了下表格,然后再次皱眉问:“You have applied the immigrant visa before?”
我:“Yes, we applied that visa EIGHT YEARS ago. If I continue wait for the immigrant visa, I will miss the best time of my education, there will be a gap for my study. So I apply the F1 visa again.”
VO再次目无表情,看着电脑,手在键盘上敲打着什么。。。。。。情况不妙啊,我赶紧补充:“The only purpose of this application is for study, not for any other reason……”
VO打断了我,我捏了把汗 ,哈,打断得好,哥正好没词了。
VO:“What do your parents do?”
我:“My mother is xxxxx, my father is xxxxxx(我不说,我就是不说),here is their income certificate, would you like to see?”
VO继续看电脑,然后突然非常严肃 地问:“You have been to South Africa?”
我:“Yes, four years ago.”
VO:“For what purpose? May I see your old passport?”
我:“Just for sight seeing, well, wait a minute, please,I’m looking for my old passport.”
VO不等我,继续追问:“What place did you visit in South Africa?”
我(边找边答):“Well, I have been to Johannesburg, Capetown and Cape of good hope, so many places. South Africa is famous for it’s diamond……”
VO再次打断我:“Who did you go with?”
我:“My mother and my grandfather, here is my old passport, and some photos of that trip. Would you like to see?”
VO指着照片:“Is this your grandfather?”
我:“Yes.” 然后从VO手中拿回照片。
然后VO陷入沉思 ,良久才说:“The problem is why you give up your study here, and just choose a college to continue study?”
我坚定地望着他:“My ultimate goal is to study in University of Washington, and this college provide a direct transfer, so I choose it.”
VO点头,正准备撕蓝纸(代表通过)。突然,他指着我胸口:“What does that mean?”
我比了比,小心地问:“Do you mean my muscle?”,他想干嘛?我浮想联翩~~
VO大笑:“No,I mean the logo。”
哦哦,我赶紧低头看了看,“Foxy’s Diner.”日,天知道是什么意思 。
我小心翼翼地说:“Foxy’s Diner?I don’t know.”
VO:“Why every time I ask about the logo, all of you say ‘I don’t know’? Hahaa~~~ ”
终于,在我热烈期盼的目光下,VO把蓝纸递给了我:“Well, good luck!”
我松了口气,赶紧说了句:“Thank you very much, have a nice day!”拿起蓝纸,收好资料,闪人~~~~~~