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高二学生申请美国社区大学 一签通过

艾迪留学 2009年7月8日

NO, there are 8 persons. My parents 1 brother and 4 sisters. I’m the younges……



M:Good morning madam!

O:Good morning … How old are you?

M:I’m 18 years old.

O:Why do you go US?

M:For study.

O:Well,what about your study program?

M:Firstly, I will go to Kaplan language school to study for 32 weeks.And then…(被打断)

O:2 weeks?

M:No, 32weeks.

O:OK, then what?

M:And then transfer to De Anza college.

O: OK…(期间在看我的资料)what will you do if you graduat from De Anza?

M: I can get the chance to continue my study in a 4-year university?

O:what your dream university?

M: UC Berkeley.

O: OK.Have you graduated from high school?

M: No.

O: How can you go to the school in US?

M: I have all courses in high school.

O: okey, are you the only child in your family?How many persons in your family?

M: NO, there are 8 persons. My parents 1 brother and 4 sisters. I’m the younges……

O: youngest, wow… incredible.

M: yeah,it’s a big family.

O: 为什么生那么多个?(英文忘记了,反正大概那个意思她很惊讶…) 然后就用中文说”你是汉族吗?”

M: yes of course,but I don"t know why my parents did so.

O: okey(她笑了.)

O: Can you give me the bank statement?

M: Yes of course.

O: What about your parents salary?

M: well my father earns about XXXXX per year and my mother earns about XXXXper year.

O: (翻了翻, 又对我笑了) OK, hope you study hard in US! You pass.

M: thank you.!!!! (偶开心激动.. 本知道应该很快的,但想不到快得那么离谱) 哈哈..












  • 1.填写你的留学意向
  • 2.填写你的个人信息
  • 3.填写你的教育背景
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