纯干货 | 11月18日加拿大留学网络直播会议问题汇总
Study Permit – Frequently Asked Questions 学习许可–常见问题
IRCC Beijing November 2020加拿大移民、难民及公民部北京办公室
A. Travel Restriction 旅行限制
Q: Under the previous travel restriction exemptions, a student who had a letter of introduction for their study permit dated on or before March 18, 2020, was still eligible to travel to Canada if their travel was non-optional or non-discretionary. Currently, can a student travel to Canada if their designated learning institution (DLI) is not on the list of DLIs with approved COVID-19 readiness plans?
问:根据之前的旅行限制豁免规定,如果学生持有2020年3月18日或之前签发的学习许可介绍信, 并且其旅行是必要或非随意性的, 他们仍然有资格前往加拿大,。目前如果学生就读的加拿大认证大学或学院(DLI)不在已批准新冠防疫计划的DLI列表中,学生还可以前往加拿大吗?
A: Since October 20, 2020, regardless of when the study permits were approved, international students are only able to travel to Canada if their school is on the list of DLIs with approved COVID-19 readiness plans. Please consult the list here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/students/approved-dli.html
答:自2020年10月20日起,无论学习许可什么时候获批,国际学生仅可在其学校在具有批准新冠防疫计划的加拿大认证大学或学院(DLI)列表中的情况下, 才可以前往加拿大。DLI列表请见:https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/students/approved-dli.html
Q: Am I allowed to enter Canada if I have received a Stage 1 letter, I submitted my biometrics along with my medical exam results and I have started online courses?
A: In order to be able to travel to Canada, you must have a valid study permit or a letter of introduction that shows you were approved for a study permit. A Stage 1 letter is not sufficient. You must also be attending a DLI with a COVID-19 readiness plan approved by its province or territory. Consult the list here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/students/approved-dli.html
答:要前往加拿大,您必须拥有有效的学习许可或者证明学习许可已获批的介绍信, 仅持有第一步的信函是不够的。您所就读的学校还必须包含在具有省或地区政府批准的新冠防疫计划的加拿大认证大学或学院(DLI)列表中。DLI列表请见https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/students/approved-dli.html
B. Designated Learning Institutions List
Q: How often will the list of DLI with approved COVID-19 readiness plans be updated?
A: The list of DLIs with approved COVID-19 readiness plans will be updated regularly. IRCC recommends to all international students to consult the list on this link on a regular basis. On this webpage, clients can find out when the next update is scheduled:
答: 具有批准的新冠防疫计划的加拿大认证大学或学院(DLI)列表会定期更新。IRCC建议所有国际学生定期查阅网站链接上的列表, 了解下一次更新时间:https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/students/approved-dli.html
Q: Will the implementation of the DLIs with approved COVID-19 readiness plans affect all international students, regardless of where they are travelling from?
A: Yes, there are now no distinction between the requirements for an international student travelling from the United States or from another country, since the new travel restriction exemptions that took effect on October 20, 2020.
答:是的,自从2020年10月20日新的旅行限制豁免生效以来,无论是从美国还是从别的国家出发旅行的国际学生, 对其要求没有区别。
Q: Are international students still able to apply for a study permit to study at a DLI that is not on the list of DLIs with approved COVID-19 readiness plans?
问:学校不在具有批准的新冠防疫计划的加拿大认证大学或学院(DLI)列表中, 学生是否仍可以申请学习许可去该学校学习?
A: Yes, international students can continue to apply to any DLIs. However, they would only be able to travel to Canada to study if they receive final approval on their study permit application and their DLI is on the list of DLIs with approved COVID-19 readiness plans. At this point, they will also benefit from the facilitative measures that are in place regarding future eligibility for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWP).
Q: If my university is not listed on the list of DLIs with approved COVID-19 readiness plans, may I enter Canada now?
A: No, you cannot travel to Canada at the moment if your DLI is not on the list of DLIs with approved COVID-19 readiness plans. IRCC encourages you to consult the list regularly to find out if your DLI is added to the list. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/students/approved-dli.html
C. Medical exam 体检
Q: I have submitted my visa application but have not received the medical examination notice. Can I still undergo the medical examination and send it to IRCC?
A: Yes, you can complete your medical exam and you can submit the results thought IRCC Webform
Q: I did the medical exam when I submitted the application, but later I received a medical examination request. Do I need to do the medical exam again? Should I submit my medical exam results if I did not get confirmation from IRCC that it was received?
A: If you already submitted your medical exam, you do not need to complete it again. You can always submit a Webform and include details about your application (including your application number and your unique client identifier (UCI)) to receive a confirmation about your specific case.
D.Funds 资金
Q: For regular study permit program, can I use a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) to replace "bank statements for the past four months"?
A: No. GICs will be taken into consideration in the assessment of your application but you still need to submit the other proof of funds required under regular study permit stream.
Q: Can a doctoral student jointly sponsored by the China Scholarship Council use the certificate of funding from the China Scholarship Council as a proof of funds?
A: Yes, please submit any proof of funds that will be used for your studies in Canada.
E. Post-graduate work permit 毕业后工作许可
Q: I have submitted my PGWP application and I am exempt from biometrics as I am in Canada. I plan to go back to China in a near future. Do I need to provide biometrics if I do not get any result until then?
问:我已经提交了PGWP申请,且因身在加拿大所以无需提交生物识别信息。我计划近期回中国, 如果直到那时申请还没有任何结果,我是否需要提交生物识别信息?
A: You need to inform IRCC through the Webform if your country of residence changes. If you move to China, then yes, you will have to submit your biometrics since the Visa Application Centres are open in China and accept biometric submission.
Q: How is defined the 50% of the courses completed in Canada to be eligible for a PGWP?
A: The calculation is based on the number of course credits completed abroad vs number of course credits completed in Canada. In a situation where part of a course is completed in Canada and the other part overseas, IRCC will consider that the course was completed in Canada
Q: Is there an age limit for PGWP applicants, and will there be different visa policies for people traveling to Canada for a PhD?
A: No, the age is not taken into consideration for any type of study permit applications.
Q: Is it true that for international students in Canada, there is no 50% limit for online class in Canada to be eligible for PGWP?
A: Yes, students who were already studying in Canada and whose classes were moved online due to the travel and health restrictions and who have completed more than 50% of their program of study online remain eligible for the PGWP program. For students outside Canada, they must complete at least 50% of their program in Canada once the travel restrictions are modified.
Q: My school has deferred the start of my studies to a later date. Am I still eligible for the PGWP?
问:我的学校推迟了学习开始时间, 我是否仍然有资格获得毕业后工作许可(PGWP)?
A: Students are eligible for the PGWP as long as they applied for a study permit before commencing their program of study. This facilitation measure has been extended until April 30, 2021 for the fall 2020 and winter 2021 semesters, to broaden access to the PGWP.
答:只要学生在开始学习课程之前提交了学习许可申请,就有资格获得毕业后工作许可(PGWP)。这项便利措施已延长至2021年4月30日, 涵盖2020年秋季和2021年冬季两个学期,以扩大申请PGWP的机会。
Q: I have started online courses but haven’t submitted a SP application. Is there a deadline for SP application submission?
A: If you want this period of study to be eligible for PGWP, you must submit your SP application before the start of your studies.
Q: Will the various facilitative measures to help students who are studying online from abroad remain in place?
A: Yes, the facilitative measures for students who are studying online from abroad will remain in place, as they provide flexibility for students whose designated learning institution is not yet prepared to welcome international students back, who may not be able to travel yet, or who have been unable to submit a complete study permit application.
答:是的,针对在境外在线学习的学生的便利措施将被保留,因为这些措施为那些就读还没有准备好接收国际学生的院校,可能还不能旅行, 或者还无法提交完整学习许可申请的学生们提供了灵活性。
Q: Can I travel to Canada if my PGWP is approved?
A: In order to be able to travel to Canada to work under your PGWP, you must meet the travel restrictions and exemptions for temporary workers. In order to travel to Canada, you will need your work permit or have your letter of introduction for your work permit, have a valid job offer and you will have to demonstrate that you can work once you enter Canada and complete your 14-day quarantine (unless you’re exempt) Please visit our website:
F. TRV for parents 针对父母的短期访客签证
Q: Parents are accompanying their children who are studying in Canada and have stayed for more than 6 months. They submitted an extension application online 1 month before their status expired but have not received any result yet. Will they be considered to be staying in Canada illegally?
A: No. If you applied before the six months passed, you can stay in Canada under your TRV conditions while waiting for a decision.
答:不会。如果您在过期6个月之前提出申请, 则可以在持有TRV的情况下留在加拿大等待结果。
Q: Can a parent accompany a young student to settle in Canada?
A: Parents of young children are subject to the travel restrictions. If they want to be able to travel to Canada, parents must meet one of the travel exemptions and have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and entering Canada that they are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose.
G. Short-term Studies
Q: Will the change in travel restrictions benefit students pursuing short-term learning opportunities with the SX-1 visa?
A: Students travelling for short-term studies (i.e. less than six months) usually do not require a study permit. However, with the current travel restrictions in place, those students are not eligible to travel to Canada with a Temporary Resident Visa. Therefore, students may submit a study permit application to obtain the proper document to meet travel restrictions. If their application is complete and their DLI on the list of DLIs with approved COVID-19 readiness plans, their application will be processed.
答:短期学习(即少于六个月)的学生通常不需要学习许可。但是,根据现行的旅行限制,这些学生不能使用临时居民签证前往加拿大。因此,学生可以提交学习许可申请,以获取符合旅行限制的适当文件。如果学生提交了完整的申请,并且其就读学校包括在具有批准的新冠防疫计划的加拿大认证大学或学院(DLI)列表中, 那么所交申请就会被审理。
Q: Only two types of study permit applications can be submitted online: Student Direct Stream (SDS) and regular study permit program. What should I do if I want to apply for the Post-secondary with GIC program? Do I wait for the visa applications centres to reopen for submission of paper applications?
问:只有两种类别的学习许可项目可以通过在线申请:SDS和普通学习许可项目。如果我想要申请高等教育-GIC项目,我需要怎么做呢? 我是要等签证申请中心重新开放提交纸质申请吗?
A: Since online applications will continue to be mandatory until at least January 31, 2021, we recommend to apply under the SDS or regular stream. You can submit your GIC and it will be taken into consideration in the assessment of your application.
Q: If students want to apply through SDS but cannot make tuition payment before registration is open, what is your advice?
A: Proof of full payment of tuition for the first year of study is required by the SDS program. Applicants who do not have the required documents for SDS upon submitting their application should apply through the regular student stream.
Q: The university in Canada has waived my IELTS. I meet all the other requirements for SDS. Can I apply under SDS? In addition, some schools accept Duolingo. Would SDS consider other language exams at this time? i.e. Duolingo, IELTS Indicator, etc.
A: No changes have been made to the Student Direct Stream (SDS) language requirements. The only accepted tests are IELTS in English or TEF in French. Test scores from Duolingo and IELTS Indicator will not be accepted for study permit application purposes. You cannot apply through SDS without those test results. Applicants who do not have the required documents for SDS upon submitting their application should apply through the regular student stream.
Q: I have submitted my study permit application online under the GIC program. Will the application be refused? Should I submit a new application?
A: No. Even if only SDS and regular study permit applications are the only available streams right now, any application that does not qualify as SDS will be processed as a regular study permit application. Students can still provide their GIC and they will be taken into account in the assessment of their evaluation under the regular student stream.
I. General questions 一般问题
Q: How long will it take for international students to receive a decision on their study permit application?
A: IRCC is making decisions on applications that are complete (please refer to the document checklist of your application to see what is required) for students attending a DLI that is on the list of DLIs with approved COVID-19 readiness plans. Students in this situation should visit their IRCC account to find out if they received a decision on their application. Remember: Students can continue to study online outside Canada until April 30, 2021 and be eligible for the PGWP as long as they applied for a study permit before commencing their program of study.
答:如果学生所就读的学校在具有批准的新冠防疫计划的加拿大认证大学或学院(DLI)列表中,并且提交了完整的申请(所需材料请参阅申请文件清单), IRCC 会对这些申请做出决定。在这种情况下,学生应访问其IRCC帐户,查看有没有收到申请结果。请记住:学生可以继续在加拿大境外参加在线学习一直到2021年4月30日,并且只要他们在开始学习之前提交了学习许可申请,就有资格获得毕业后工作许可(PGWP)。
Q: In case students pay tuition fees and start online for the fall term and their study permit is refused later, are schools obligated to refund tuition fees or does it depend on each school refund policy?
A: DLIs are responsible for setting their refund policies. IRCC cannot speak to this issue, but students are encouraged to ensure they are familiar with the various DLI policies relevant to their situation.
Q: Do you have any standard forms for the 14-day quarantine plan, which shows all the content that the Canadian border officer needs.
A: You must have a quarantine plan that shows how you will quarantine for 14 days when you arrive in Canada including where you will stay, how you will get to your destination, get your groceries access essential services and medical care. There is no precise form for you to fill.
Q: How can I withdraw my application? Will it be counted as a refusal?
A: You can withdraw your application by submitting your request through the webform. It will not be assessed as a refusal.
Q: I am in Canada and I applied for a study permit extension a long time ago, but I have not received a decision yet. Should I submit a new application and withdraw the previous application?
A: Do not submit a new application. If you applied before your study permit expired, you can stay and study in Canada under the same conditions as your current study permit until IRCC makes a decision.
Q: Do I have to use the help of an official translation company or I can translate the documents by myself? Is it mandatory to have the translation notarized by a notary office?
A: You must submit the following for any document that is not in English or French, unless otherwise stated on your document checklist:
● the English or French translation; and
● an affidavit from the person who completed the translation (if they’re not a certified translator); and
● a certified copy of the original document.
● 英语或法语翻译,以及
● 翻译人员的承诺书(如果不是持证翻译人员的话),以及
● 原始文件的盖章复印件
Q: I want to change school/major or defer my studies to a later date, how do I proceed?
A: You need to inform IRCC of any changes made since you submitted your initial application. Send your updated letter of acceptance through the Webform and/or any other relevant documents to explain the changes you made for your studies.
Q: How can I submit my application online?
A: In order to submit your application online, you need to create your IRCC secure account at the following link: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/account.html. Then, you will be asked to upload documents and forms based on your application. You will be able to pay the fees directly from your account and then submit your application. From this account, you are able to check your application status. It is also where IRCC will contact you if additional documents are required. You can upload additional documents directly in your account.
答:您需要通过以下链接创建IRCC安全帐户来在线提交申请:ttps://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/account.html。然后,系统会要求您根据申请上传材料和表格。您可以直接从帐户中支付费用以及提交申请。通过此帐户,您可以查看申请状态。如果需要其他材料, IRCC也会通过此账户联系您, 您可以直接在帐户中上传所要求材料。
Q: When submitting an application online, is there a file size limit for documents I upload to my account?
A: Yes. The file size limit is 4MB per file. Click on the link to find tips and tricks on how to reduce the size of your documents: https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1213&top=23
Q: I am not familiar with the online system to submit my study permit application. What should I do?
问:我不熟悉学习许可申请在线提交系统, 我该怎么办?
A: If you need help while completing your online application, please consult IRCC Help Centre’s Applying Online page at the following link for the most frequently asked questions: https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/results-by-topic.asp?top=23
答:如果您在完成在线申请时需要帮助,请通过以下链接查询IRCC帮助中心的在线申请页面, 查看常见问题:https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/results-by-topic.asp?top=23
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